African American Poverty, Black Poverty, KOLUMN Magazine, KOLUMN, KINDR'D Magazine, KINDR'D, Willoughby Avenue, WRIIT, TRYB,

Ending Poverty in the United States Would Actually Be Pretty Easy | Jacobin Magazine

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Ending Poverty in the United States Would Actually Be Pretty Easy | Jacobin Magazine


In the wealthiest country in the world, there’s no reason anyone should be poor. Period.


—  Fran Quigley, Jacobin Magazine

When we speak to our sisters and brothers living in poverty in the United States, the confessional trope that describes so many dysfunctional relationships should be our opening line. “Poverty is a choice that the fortunate collectively make,” social worker Joanne Goldblum and journalist Colleen Shaddox write in Broke in America: Seeing, Understanding, and Ending U.S. Poverty. “No American should ever be poor.”


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