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She didn’t see her Black heritage in crossword puzzles. So she started publishing her own

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She didn’t see her Black heritage in crossword puzzles. So she started publishing her own

“I had never made a crossword puzzle before,” said Queens native Juliana Pache, 32, with a laugh. “But I was like, I can figure it out.”

NEW YORK (AP) — It started a couple of years ago when Juliana Pache was doing a crossword puzzle and got stuck.

She was unfamiliar with the reference that the clue made. It made her think about what a crossword puzzle would look like if the clues and answers included more of some subjects that she WAS familiar with, thanks to her own identity and interests — Black history and Black popular culture.

When she couldn’t find such a thing, Pache decided to do it herself. In January 2023, she created blackcrossword.com, a site that offers a free mini-crossword puzzle every day. And Tuesday marked the release of her first book, “Black Crossword: 100 Mini Puzzles Celebrating the African Diaspora.”

Read full article @ The Grio