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Give Our Children the Right to Read

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Give Our Children the Right to Read

Zenobia Judd-Williams, executive director of Reading Partners Baltimore, says “A well-orchestrated campaign to ban specific books in schools has the potential to undermine the reading development of Black children.”

Frederick Douglass famously said, “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”

Unfortunately, some Americans don’t want everyone to read. While the tactics may have changed since the 19th Century, there are still well-organized efforts to take away the fundamental right of literacy from Black children.

A well-orchestrated campaign to ban specific books in schools has the potential to undermine the reading development of Black children. If this effort is successful, it will deprive our students of valuable knowledge and undermine their interest in learning to read. Far too often, those proposing book bans target books by Black authors and about the Black experience.

Read full article @ Word In Black